Rachele Ricceri, The Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams: Getting People In and Out Again

This lecture will be given at the PROSOPON Workshop ‘Entangled Prosopographies: Connecting the “Prosopographies of the Later Roman and Byzantine Worlds” Across the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond’ (The University of Edinburgh, 8-9 December 2023). It is part of Round Table 2: ‘Archives and Manuscripts’.

The workshop brings together a large number of current prosopographical research projects with a focus from the late antique to the late Byzantine periods and is dedicated to exploring ways of going forward, connecting projects and researchers. It offers ample opportunity to discuss the methods and practices of prosopographical research, to learn from each other, and develop closer ties of cooperation.

Practical information

Date & time: Friday 8 December 2023, 1:30pm

Location: Meadows Lecture Theatre, Old Medical School, Doorway 4 (Teviot Place, Edinburgh)

More information about this conference and the full programme can be found here.